HMA Gear provides shirts with the HMA Ministries logos and quotes to anyone who likes to broadcast what they support.
We all wear clothing that broadcasts what we like, what we do, and where we go. We all buy clothing that displays branding. FOX Racing, Aeropostale, Hollister, Cinch, Under Armour, Ariat, and Rock Revival are brands that we recognize without much effort.
We support clothing companies that provide what we like to wear and what we feel comfortable in.
HMA Gear is such a company. We provide clothing that is comfortable and of a good quality that bears our HMA Ministries logos and quotes. We offer a large variety of colors and sizes!
At this time, we only produce shirts, but we are looking to expand our HMA Gear to hats, car decals, keychains, etc. Anything to start a conversation or remind you to pray for us throughout the day.
The proceeds are distributed amongst our ministries around the nation that are reaching the Least, the Last and the Lost.
If you want to support HMA Ministries and broadcast our services and message to others without speaking a word, visit our shop today!